The Oils Are Working, The Oils Are Working!

Okay, okay…two weeks is enough of a vacation.  It’s been nice though, I’m not going to lie.  My biggest concern to begin writing?  What do I do for a title?!?!?  I no longer have to number the title…

Today’s title came easily…the oils are working.

Remember Day #348 – Alternatives?  If not, let me  refresh your memory.

My good friend, Lisa, sells Essential Oils.  She reads the blog often and reached out to me…she thought that maybe, just maybe, her oils could help Tucker.

The thing about having a child on the spectrum is this – you know some things work, and other don’t.  We don’t often know why. To be very honest, most fellow moms don’t really give a _ _ _ _ (fill in your own favorite four-letter word).

So we got together and talked about some of the larger struggles we had been having (throughout life).  She took that information and concocted some recipes to help us out.

She put together four sample oils…and sent them to us.


Yes, she labeled them as such.  When I received the package I laughed hysterically.  Look at me and my poop oil!!!


The oils were in little bottles that had rollers on the top (think miniature deodorant).  I was skeptical – but figured it couldn’t hurt.  This has kind of become my mantra in life…what’s the worst that could happen?

So, the first night I rubbed the sleep oil on his wrists (because I hadn’t talked to Lisa about where to actually put the oil).  He told me he slept well.

Then I got a hold of her and she told me to put the oil behind his ear.  Okay.  So, that night I put the oil behind one ear.  He woke up and said, “Mom, that is the best I think I’ve ever slept.”  I didn’t think he was having problems sleeping, though.  That’s when he said, “No, I get to sleep, but I wake up a lot and go back to sleep.”  This tells me he’s having difficulty getting into (and more importantly) staying in REM sleep.  This is the sleep cycle that sort of heals and resets your bran.

The next night?  “Mom, why don’t you put that oil behind both of my ears.  It smells like Sprite.  I love it.”

Tucker describes it this way, “She puts the oil behind my ears.  I take a big whiff. I lay my head down on my pillow.  I close my eyes.  Then, it’s morning.”

So…that’s what we’ve been doing since then, until late last week.  We ran out of the sampler.  We’re now on emergency order.

After the success with the sleep oil I decided the poop oil was worth a try.  Reread Day #97 – The Trouble With Going for a refresher on our BM issues.  I didn’t want to try this on a school day just in case it worked too well.  😉  So, we put the oil on his feet before bedtime.  On the arch and around the bottom of his heel.  No, I didn’t think it would work – at the same time I couldn’t help thinking about my mom who would put Vick’s on my feet and then cover them with socks when I had a cold.  Somehow, miraculously, I would wake up feeling better.  So…poop oil on the feet it is.

The next day he went.  It was normal.  It didn’t hurt.  Not to go into too much detail but he said, “Is that how it’s supposed to be? It didn’t take too long.  It didn’t hurt.” My eyes welled up with tears…who knew regular pooping could make a mom cry?

Let’s be honest…just about everything can make me cry.

So the next week I took it a step further, I put the focus oil all the way down his spine (soon enough I’m going to need a darn stepladder to get to the top).  That Friday I received a message from his math teacher, “From my perspective Tucker’s had a couple of really good days. He’s engaged! Yesterday he was working with his partner and contributing a lot.”  The compliment was unsolicited.  Coincidence?  Maybe…but I’m not messing with it.

I didn’t think the oils would work, honestly I didn’t.

When my husband and I were talking about which oils to purchase he wanted to make sure I asked Lisa for oils that would suppress his appetite and cure my sassy streak (turns out both exist).  All of the children and I began to research the oils online – turns out there is a pack of oils called the ‘Twelve Oils of Ancient Scripture.’  One of those happens to be the oil that was rubbed on Jesus’ feet to which my bonus daughter said, ‘Dad, you have to buy that one. Seriously – you don’t want to be like Judas and deny Jesus’ foot rubbing oil.’

Point made.

While ordering the oils Lisa and I joked about this black magic.  Her neighbor calls her a witch doctor.  My husband is now calling me a Voodoo Goddess.  Whatever you call us – I’ll shrug it off.  This stuff is working, at least for now.

If you want to try out poop, focus, calm, or sleep oils send my friend Lisa an email:  She’ll be very happy to help you!

10 thoughts on “The Oils Are Working, The Oils Are Working!

  1. I too have been using the oils from Young Living for over 17 years. I am glad that someone told you about them. I have been following your blog because I drive a school bus ( special needs) and one of my boys is autistic. Thanks for sharing all your insight. It has helped me with the little one on my route.


    • I’m SO glad you have found the information to be helpful!! What a patient person you are to drive a school bus – even with neurotypical kiddos! Yikes!!!


  2. Thank you for this! Am going to mail your friend and see what she suggests. I have 2 children on the spectrum and my son has SPD so am thinking the focus and sleep oils could really help for him. Thank you very much x


  3. Pingback: Day #327 – Indexing | 366 Days of Autism

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