Day #187 – My Favorites

I don’t follow a lot of blogs/websites about autism.  Why?  I’ll write more about that this week.  HOWEVER…for those of you who find my blog interesting and/or insightful – here are some others you may want to check out:

Tyann is an ‘internet’ friend of mine.  It’s too bad, really.  She lives in the same town I work in – but there is reality.  Reality of a busy world – reality of a world where the spectrum rules.  Tyann is the mother of three sons, wife to one husband, and lover of all chocolates. Her 13-year-old twins have autism. She is always trying to find the silver lining and as she writes, ‘Sometimes it’s not easy. Usually it’s funny.’

I also tend to follow two other women through Facebook.

One is Autism Hippie

Blog Address:
Facebook Link:

Autism Hippie’s son, Mike, has autism and she has worked in the autism field for many years.  She has been trained and certified in several different teaching strategies. She often hosts webinars to provide informal training to interested parties.  

She often posts video of her son, Mike…and let me tell you.  They are HILARIOUS…I love her son, Mike, even though I don’t really know him.  I’m pretty sure that we would be great pals – if we ever met.

The other is Autism with a Side of Fries

Blog Address:
Facebook Link:

The author, like me, has a son with autism and her blog/page revolves around autism and motherhood – and she is also VERY funny!

I really like her site because she invites people to post questions and it’s much more like a forum for discussion.  I LOVE her site because she often posts meme’s (humorous images, videos, text that is copied and spread by Internet users).  I often share these with Tucker and…well..he often laughs hysterically!

Here are some examples…


This is a TRUE story…


My personal favorite?
